Monday, August 6, 2007

"Thank you, you Eagles!"

If you missed hearing this woman's impromtu speach at the Rally on Saturday......your loss.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Cin , if you didn't here this elderly lady speak ......,Your loss. It sure made one "proud to be an American"
And reassured you that our cause , and what we stand for as a group, is well worth it !

Anonymous said...

I had not heard of the Forgotten Eagles until recently. I lost my brother in Vietnam in 1967. He was killed 10 days before he was to be discharged. I was doing a search for rides when I found the FE's website and learned about the ride. Hubby, myself and his brother & sister-in-law decided to join in. That was the most awesome service I have ever attended! A big cudo's to the Forgotten Eagles! You are a great group of people! And yes, the elderly lady made us all proud to be American.